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Getting Married in Rome

For a catholic wedding in Rome, or elsewhere in Italy, you will require the same church documents you'd need for a wedding in Ireland, plus the civil document "Nulla Osta", attesting your legal freedom to marry.

Couples planning to marry in Rome can get all the information they need from these colleges, popular for Irish weddings.


Documents you will need, for marrying in Rome

+39 06 7726.31


The Irish College, Rome, was founded in 1628 (during the era of the Penal Laws) by the Irish Franciscan, Father Luke Wadding, and the Roman Cardinal, Ludovico Ludovisi for the education of students for the priesthood in Ireland. When the French invaded Rome in 1798 the College was closed and it re-opened after the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1826. The College continues the work of educating men for the priesthood in Ireland, as it has done for almost four hundred years, and for the past few decades many young Irish couples have come there to celebrate their marriage vows.

+39 06 697 7121



The 11th-century Basilica of San Silvestro is also known as "in capite" because it houses what is claimed to be the head of Saint John the Baptist in a reliquary in a side-chapel. The church has had various restorations and assumed its present aspect the 17th century. In 1887 pope Leo XIII assigned it for English language visitors, entrusting it to the care of the Pallottines, founded in the 19th century by St Vincent Pallotti.


Documentation for your Wedding in Rome

1. Pre-nuptial Enquiry Form:

You attend in person to get this filled up by a priest in the parish where you are living (or if not living together, by the bride's parish priest). He will interview you together and separately, and will ask you to attend an approved pre-marriage course. (Check which courses he will accept. Our Together course should be among them). Arrange this Pre-nup. Meeting 3 months in advance.

2. Baptism/Confirmation Cert.

These are got from the parish where you were baptised /confirmed, and should be brought to your Pre-nup. Meeting. They will be forwarded to the church in Rome where the wedding is to take place.

3. Letter of Freedom, or “Nulla Osta”

Get this document from the Department of Foreign affairs; have it signed by your solicitor and then back to the Dept., which will forward it to the Irish Embassy in Rome, as proof that there’s no civil obstacle to your marriage.